The Wireless Way, with Chris Whitaker

Dataprise and Wireless Watchdogs, the gateway to managed services. A panel discussion on Cybersecurity and how managed mobility ties in. When you don't know, you settle for status quo.

Season 4 Episode 72

Great multi guest panel on cybersecurity, mobility and IoT and how they are intertwined. This episode is packed with stats and great discussions on various technologies. I have Jason Sein, my team mate at Tealrus, VP of Cybersecurity, John Gonzalez, VP of Channel at Wireless Watchdogs and Chaz Chalkley, VP of Channel at Dataprise.   

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Hey welcome to another episode a special episode of the wireless way. Um. First of what I hope is many of having you know multiple guests on at a time and talking about multiple advanced solutions and multiple technologies and today we're really lucky you have Jason Stein John Gonzales and and Chaz with us from data prize. We're going to lean into you know what does that look like and what's ah. What's the state of the industry. Why would technology advisors and digital strategists need to be savvy on cyberurity and um even something on the other end of the spectrums are that whole managed mobility. All these iot devices and mobile devices. So Jason Stein thanks for making time. Ah, what say you.



Jason Stein

Thanks! I appreciate it. So let's take a look back at what things look like last year we saw global criminal activity top eight point six trillion dollars it's continuing to go up. From an iot mobility perspective. We have thirty four billion devices that have been identified as being on net but one point five billion of them were compromised between January and June last year that's just admitted to being compromised by the way then you sit there and say okay, let's talk about the human element now that everybody's working remote. Used to build the castle and put everybody in the castle and and protect the castle now with covid everybody's working remote well 82% of all breaches are caused by human error and we're only training our employees 49 minutes a year is what the industry averages. But yet, there's one hundred and fifty billion spam emails that are sent out every day 18000000 websites are maliciously ah affected every single week. How do you protect that employee now that we're working remote and how does mobility and iot come into play what can. Wireless watchdog and data prize due to help protect our customers now.




Now That's great stats I Hope you guys were listening and I have to download that into the transcripts you need to follow that So Great question Chazz. What you?? What's your thoughts on that I mean what? how are you seeing Partners Leverage data prize and. Wire swatchogs.




Great question and again, thanks for having us here today. So you know on the managed services side. It's always key to be patching devices and to be deploying policies that really protect the entire environment and what often goes overlooked. As Jason mentioned are those iot and mobile devices. So having a strong ndm policy and then backing that up with a solid mdr edr simsoc type of solution to make sure you're capturing your entire environment is critical right. Those mobile devices and iot are certainly entry points think of all the apps that you have on your phone and how they can interact with other business related apps right? So you really want to control the policies and the permissions on the end user devices whether they're Byod or company issued and I'll turn over to John to kind of. Double down on that.




Yeah, so you guys are on point I mean we're in a mobile first world mobile device security protects data from security threats and data breaches on ah un authororized access to sensitive data and even data loss right? As a result of a user error. Or Stolen or misplaced device. So by being able to protect these devices or for staff employees as well as the organization they need to have a well managed mobile device security plan right? Endpoint management cradle to the grave we click we play right? There's a lot of. Going On. They're out there. You know getting onto wi-fi so without the proper security or mdm plan in place. Unfortunately the only winners ah end up being the bad actors out there and that can that can actually cripple a company So. It's huge. And from ah from a standpoint if we really think about it all these devices right? There's new devices go out there and we really from a company standpoint with everything going on really need to make sure that these devices are well managed locked down. To prevent these kind of breaches.




And John what's the average savings I mean is there an average mean that way I've heard a lot of numbers thrown around. So I don't want to put words in I don't hear it straight from you when you look at an average you know qualified customer that engages with wireless watchdogs from the expense management. How much.




Yeah, no, that's pretty good. Actually we're saving about 20 to 40% immediately by their next billing cycle without switching their cell phone carrier without having them switch yeah sim cards. So this is found money right? This is money that's sitting there.




Are you saving them.




It It only changes their paying less right.




And they're pay. Yeah they're paying less for advice and this funds other initiatives right? like Mdm Cyber Security Plans so the the money's there right? we're we're here to create that revenue stream and show clients where this overspending is going to to use those. That that money to you know to actually fund security for for the organizations.




Jason what do you see in in in the market mean are there businesses that are struggling to find the money are yeah, is that often an objection where they're like hey great idea we should do it. We just have the budget right now is ah is that a does that ever come up.



Jason Stein

100% of the time. The thing is that nobody really built an it environment thinking about security needs to be a cost center portion of that. It's been very reactive and not very proactive and so we're trying to always save them money. In their voice in their data and their unified communications so that we can help justify and afford it. But what really companies need to evaluate is how much money will it cost your organization if you're down for 10 minutes for 1 hour for half of a day can you be able to recover from that. Plus the loss of reputation so you need that money as that safety net to make sure that you're identifying bad actors quicker so that you will not have downtime so that you can still maintain business as usual, but most companies we talked to. Have not budgeted for cybersecurity was never part of the cost center.




That is so interesting I mean because you're you're right? It's not a problem till it's a problem and then when it's a problem you don't have a solution for It. You're really going to lose some money now right? mean if you don' have the money to invest in it now and and you do have a cyber incident you maybe even worse situation. Right? yep.



Jason Stein

it's 100% it's it's crazy um you know and then security is getting more complex think about what it was like to be in it ten years ago you had a firewall you had a vpn you know now we're starting to see the complexity of security and layers of security. You need an endpoint detection and response to look at all of those devices and seeing what's get through. You need a sim to look at your logs. You need the security awareness training. You still need those firewalls but then we're getting more granular compliance now falls on it I mean it's just so much. And what's in place today in a couple years. We're going to see even more technology you now are moving away from an mpl or a Vpn and adopting Sdn. Well then what comes out sassy you need to now protect your your users ah with that and then. Ztna with zero trust and how do you lock down your employees and put lease privilege access so that if somebody gets compromised. They don't have access to every single thing so that you don't bring down the rest of your organization.




And and John we recently had ah a win this week with a partner Mike Jones good old Mike Jones and Chris Jones and I saw him a few days ago and he was like man. Great win. It was the easiest deal we've we've ever done as our second deal with wireless watchdogs. And he goes a part that I think the customer was most excited about it. You know saving 35% was awesome, but getting that employee back and of course we knew what he meant but just to say what? What do you mean by that. Well I had a accounts payable employee. That was their main job. They spent almost much 8 hours a day five days a week just making sure we weren't being overcharged and and auditing bills and and the fact that they got that whole employback. So now we're not really talking 35 % savings this 35% savings plus that whole headcount cost that they can apply towards. Another project possibly right? and and and chazz how how do you see this playing in me if you it had there been you know partners or customers that have have benefited from that scenario of saving money here and applying it over here to cyber.




And absolutely right? And that that staff savings is ah is a huge aspect of this right? So you free up that that staff member to then work with the partner or with an incoming Msp to really identify in scope. What a proper. Managed it environment looks like whereas before they didn't have the time to do that. They're either putting out fires from ah mobility issues or on the phone with the carrier forever trying to to resolve those things so having the time to work with someone that can think strategically. About the overall it environment is key.




100% man yeah yeah well way, we've actually just got another one coming here guys is way today same thing look savings is a given right? He can save money on mobility but the real thing here is process and policy.




Yeah, yeah, John what else? what else you think there.




Without process and policy around these living and breathing devices. You have the people come in in leaving you have you know optimization reporting and analytics actionable analytics when we talk about effectiveness and efficiency really given that that data to the upper management to really identify.




Thank you.




You know what's going on with these devices. These are business tools So when we come in not only giving those analytics but able to offer that expertise Okay, lead the claim and alleviate the time in the guessing games. They're playing with the carriers so they can free up their time to focus on other core initiatives right? to keep the company secure and up and running that is a huge win at the end of the day. Um, so you know people tow savings. Yeah, it's going to be there but the real value is labor efficiency control accountability processes. And policy and.




You know? So if I'm my partner. You're listening right now I'm thinking. Okay so you're telling me um, no site Surveys Ah no porting of phone Numbers. No Construction. Ah don't have to schedule a tech visit most likely. Um. They're saving money they're they're rediscovering budget they can apply toward other tech upgrades which you know we're we're positioning cybersecurity as that tech Upgrade. What's the profile. The ideal customer size I mean what? what are they looking for I mean this. Probably not the pizza shop on the corner is it I mean what? what are they looking for what's ah, a good profile of of a customer that can benefit from all this.




Yeah, for the wilds for well ain't any company that has about a hundred devices or more typically is they're having challenges right? Um, yeah, there's there's companies that have forty fifty devices which have you know the same issues at the end of the day which we can help.




Um, yep.




But most of the time anything over one ah hundred and then you get into thousands and Tens and Twenty s and hundreds of thousands of devices that is overwhelming. Not only for the company but from an I t perspective right now they're having all these devices all of these end users support. Security is just just way too much. So if you can come in offer a complimentary analysis and show them one. How much money they're overspending because that is the number 1 thing right now for every company every division every silo we got to cut cost. Okay, the second piece is. We need better processes. We bit need better efficiency. We can't keep talent. We hired talent there somebody else picks them up. So this really becomes about having that true partnership and having a company that's gonna lead them right? cradle to the grave as technology changes right? that.




Had that value. So chaz real quick to you then so is it is you know is it safe for a partner to go wow they got a hundred devices. They probably have a cyage security issue to because have hundred devices typically means a hundred employees that typically means a hundred network logins and hundred employees. You know. That that layer 1 making mistakes is that a safe assumption hate to use that word but should should they go in for the for the close on cyber security as well.




Um, but absolutely in the s and b space. You're you're not looking at a mature I t department right? It's probably the Ceo's nephew who is who's running the show over there. So. Ah, when when you're looking sub 100 they're going to need to outsource those services I think gartner put out there and Jason I'm sure you can correct me if I'm wrong. It's about 1.5 to 2000000 to build out a proper internal sock s andbs don't have that budget right? They're not going to be able to do that. They're not going to be able to. Deploy best in class tooling that is going to meet the needs of any size organization. So you really have to look at an outsourced organization like data enterprise and wireless watchdogs to fulfill that cyber securityity need.



Jason Stein

You nailed it. So it's not only does it cost between 1 and one point five million but you need 6 employees to be able to fully staff a sock in order for them to be able to take weekends and nights off and actually sleep and maybe a vacation every now and then not to mention. So I think it's actually closer to 250 employees or less and this is why I say that is because there's 30 one million companies in the United States that identify as being snb 250 employees or less 43% told gartner that they don't have a cybersecurity plan and 52% said that they. Don't have an it security person on staff most of the time we talk to customers in that 250 or less space. They have 5 10 employees on their it department one maybe 2 are dedicated to security. So not only is it too expensive but you don't have the resources. There's three point five Million Vacant cyber security jobs right now and there's just not enough really qualified people to go and fill those and that's why you need data price and wireless watchdogs to come in and help protect your environment.




Completely agree and and you'll see the more mature mid-market organizations and enterprise organizations. They don't want to build out their own cybercarity team. They they know what's at risk by taking that ownership on themselves. So you're not going to cioca Cio or cto. Take on that risk instead. They're going to want to send that risk out to a provider. Um, who knows what they're doing and is much more capable and can bring in these enterprise. Great tools.



Jason Stein

You bring up a great point chazz so uber was recently compromised in September last year and the chief security officer over there tried to hide it where is he at now he's unfortunately in prison and they're looking at other people within the organization and see if they tried to hide it. You know it's It's no joke. Ah you won your reputations on the line. Your company's reputation on the line and if you you're not 100 % truthful you could end up in prison who wants to put that on their shoulders when you can outsource it to professionals who do this every single day. So.




You know something else as you were talking there Jason it made me think going back to the profiles you know of ah who's an ideal customer. We should go talk to a partner should go talk to and you know were we're doing these vertical specific webinars. We just did healthcare and and we just did hospitality and we're going to do mdus next month I mean say any any company. That's you know one taking in credit card information has a lot of personal identifiable you know information what's up p and I right? Um, they they all should be focused just like you said that uber I mean uber obviously has tons of credit card information. A lot of information on people whatnot. Why were they not secured is that is that a and good another go way to look at for partner look at their base of business and go hey anybody that's transacting with a lot of customers or any of the main verticals should have the conversation right.



Jason Stein

Yeah, so bad. Actors are not overlooking your environment because you're in a specific vertical. They're trying to get in to any company in every company we see a huge uptick in education Finance information. Anybody in manufacturing. Because they typically don't have robust security in place. Anybody who does retail credit card transactions I spoke to a customer last week and they are actually in the nonprofit space and he said do you know how much pii we have. We have so much information.







Jason Stein

We get something close to five hundred attacks a day and we're a nonprofit. No I mean they're not looking at what size your organization is they're just trying to get in.




Yeah, and I yeah please.




So I completely agree there if I can double down on that one Chris so you know every every customer is a target and I'll certainly agree with what Jason said there and you know speaking to the partners you should be talking to to all of your customers right? and. 1 thing I love to describe manage mobility as and and I'm including Mdm a security component of managed mobility I call Mdm and manage mobility the gateway drug to manage services if you're a partner that hasn't sold managed services and and looking at that that um mrr um. Manage mobility is ah is a great way to get your foot in the door to the manage services that frees up the budget as we spoke about earlier for them to then go spend a huge success within the the data prize team.




Oh yeah, you you black that on me, you guys hear him on if you can restart that sentence I can edit in kind of go back when Sin is chazz you cut out.



Jason Stein

Yeah, you cut out.




Got it where was I there.








But just yeah know Yeah, yeah, that's right, Well just pick up your sentences and I'll I'll make it be your next sentence it wherever it filled out. Yeah.




I Just woke up from a daze. What happened? um.




Got it. So so going back to the partner side of this It's I call manage mobility the gateway drug to manage services right? and and I include and mdm mobile device management as part of that which is that security component. We're talking about today for those partners that are are used to selling. Connectivity manage mobility is that at least with wireless watchdogs and data prize is that 0 risk sell as John mentioned earlier right? No project for I t no switching carriers. No swapping sim cards. Free assessment for us to go in there that then frees up that budget to go spend. On managed services like cybersecurity or drraz across all of the the partners customer base to put some numbers to it right? John and and correct me if I'm wrong wireless watchdogs had this 2000 seat organization that was brought to us by a partner and we ended up saving them. Roughly $400000 a year and that's a net just on manage mobility $400000 a year on manage mobility think of what a two hundred thousand a two thousand user organization with a $400000 budget that they just found right. Think of what they can do think of what they can spend on connectivity on managed services on managed security. That's a so so you're looking at a huge swath. Yeah.




Okay, ah yeah, let me stop you right? there Chad because you you brought okay I'm a partner going wow $400000 in savings how much cyber security can they get for that is that I mean for that same size company that same but customer 400000 of how much that could be allocated. And did there still savings even after they put in the cyber security solution.




Well, it depends on the footprint of the organization where they are how much is on-prem and and what their maturity level is but you can do a lot of damage in cyber securityity with $400000 on an outsource program now if you're looking in sourcece it. That's 2 people right? That's two cyber security professionals. On an annual basis $400000 right? Well depending on what certifications have you're talking about 150 up to 250 or more for sea level suite.




What's their what? What's What's our average salary.




Yeah, there you go gosh. Yeah so two of those you can easily spend another 400000








Absolutely but an an edr play an mdr play or a whole managed sock. All of that is well within the $400000 budget




I know.




Gosh That's pretty amazing and most likely they still still see some savings you know it almost reminds about my daughter bought a car recently and we're sitting there and it was a carmax if you ever I mean I Love carmax. It's just an easy experience. So let's post stress So we're sitting there.




You Italian human.




And and they like okay great. You're approved and they're like okay by the way here's our extended coverage plan and here's our gap insurance offering I'm like man, you definitely want to get gap insurance because if we wreck that thing and you know we have all heard those stories. You know, get the total of the car but that you owe more than and they'll they'll give you um. And then she's like I don't know if I really you know I don't really want that extended warranty I'm like well you know adding you know was it five ten fifteen dollars a month to your payment. It's a lot better because you know let's face it. It's not a matter will the car break down most cars will break down as sometimes you know it's it's not if it's it's win. But um. I kind of feel like for business leaders kind of same story here. It's like you know? yeah you you feel like you shouldn't have to pay for this or you don't want to pay for that. But you know what's ah the other cliche you know, pay now or pay later and when you pay later you have to pay more and it's more painful because it's not budgeted. Um, how well is that work when you know. These sales conversations for partners listening. They have never sold really managed mobility or cybersecurity. What is that hook is there a moment I mean is what's the qualifying question is there is there that that that I dare I say easy button question. But how do you get these conversations going and oh Jason we got some tools at tilarious. Maybe you could touch on too right.



Jason Stein

So yeah, we got a lot of different tools at Talaris that that partners can utilize 1 We're ranking suppliers so that everybody can see the different types of suppliers and what they bring to the table and all the different aspects and they can see that in their back office too. We have ah an amazing product solution view that allows and a partner to sit down with a customer and really go into all the methodology that an engineer goes through when they're sitting down with a client. Our goal is to to get in front of a customer give them the tools that they need to ask some questions and then. Say you know what what? we'd like to do at this point is stop the conversation and bring in a data prize wireless watchdogs that's whiteboard your environment. Let's talk about what you have in place today then let's talk about where we're seeing gaps of similar companies to yours that are also similar in size and let's help you create that roadmap to. Protect your organization fully and a lot of times you know you can outsource that and and you had talked earlier about saving money. Well as they take some of their licensing and they move that over to a data price to help them take on that that responsibility a lot of times they can save. Money there and then free up their resources and they're basically doubling their it staff we have ah just a ton of great resources internally we have 20 engineers. They're all really really solid. 3 of them are cissps the equivalent of a doctorate degree in cybersecurity.



Jason Stein

Then we have one cism the equivalent of a doctorate degree and risk and governance so we can just take a lot of that burden off of ah companies's and clients plate and really make good solid recommendations and bring in an incredible provider and partner in our portfolio like dataize wireless swatsdogs to come in and. And help them really bolster their their cyber security practice.




And not.




and and I have to echo jason there on the sales engineering team. What a wealth of resource that talarius brings to the partners having these experts to be able to appropriately scope and provide recommendations for our partners the the whole the whole goal there is to. Remove the intimidation factor remove the the scariness of bringing up cybersecurity. They will handle that for you just get your foot in the door by asking a few key questions again which Jason or Josh and the the solutions engineering team can provide the partners. Just just get that your foot in the door and that sales engineering team will will help you close.




Yeah, and then talking about getting your foot in the door for us. It's one of the oh by the way conversations. Oh by the way, do you guys have any mobile devices we do okay, how many device you guys have we have one a thousand devices. Okay, what if I can show you a way to come in and just me cut cost. And then throw out the objections without switching your carrier without disrupting your service without spending any additional money. Give you some better process as a better mouse trap for taking this off your plate and managing it cradle to the grave and we can prove it with a complimentary analysis takes a couple minutes typical savings about 20 to 40% if anything you walk away with the free. Education is that somebody will pique your interest. Yeah with the cat right? that no catchs just show up to the meeting and guess what.




Um, yeah.




Once they get in there and they see those savings start to hit and we're getting in there those conversations around any other technology that that partner is selling becomes so much easier.




Hey John so we we yeah Jason kind of mentioned the Qa and solution view and our engineers to kind of help tee up and do do diligence and discovery with cy security but in the area of yeah mobile expense you know management and managed mobility. Um. What is the ideal information that you would like for a partner to gather. Ah when they come to you. You know that that one um, ah two month bill and voice information. What What's the ideal information you would need to get a quote together and help out a partner and a customer.




Yeah, sure thing. So all it is is three months of bills and the reason we ask for three months of bills is for trending analysis to show them how many devices they've been sitting for months that they're paying for and they're adding new devices when they have devices sitting so it's three months of bills which takes. Typically about 10 minutes to gather from the carriers and a device report once we get those in it takes us about 7 businesses days to turn around and the reason it takes the 7 businesses is because we're putting a full production together and we're showing them exactly where all this money's at. All these reports and analytics with their data which is powerful and then our our 1 pane of glass for multiple carriers or portal or support recycling program and at the end of it is wow you guys can save us all this money. Oh and by the way if you decide to move forward today. Okay. At the end of our agreement if we've charged you more than what we've saved you. We'll refund you guys the difference. Forget about all the efficiency the labor upset that in itself gets through legal super quick cause it's like wait a minute this is a no brainer. These guys are gonna save us more than what they charged. They're gonna take this off our plate. And if they don't do that they refund is little difference. Wow so that's typical I'm sorry that's absolutely right? And it's in our agreement. Um, and guess what you would think after our agreement they'd be like you know what.




Ah, that's better than a money back guarantee right? That's almost better than a money back guarantee I mean that's good.




You need to run another analysis I wouldn't see if you've saved this they you come back to it. They're like they see the money they see the value they continue on so talk about protecting. Yeah, absolutely.




You show them right? You you tell them monthly hey here's what you're you're saving you know John another point we're talking about I t teams know they're being ah overworked or understaffed another observation from Mike Mike Stille Mike Jonesy you know had this deal. And I said hey so how did it go and he goes oh man. Well it took a little longer than I thought I'm like what what are you talking about? he goes. Oh it wasn't they do a wireless watchdogs. The I t manager put in his two week notice and he just wasn't motivated and he's the only one that had to log in to the portal for the the wireless carrier so it's like womp womp I mean. What another reason to have this outsource because you know this that's not unusual right? There's always a little bit of a turnover with I if you have one person is has it to login and they're kind of dragging their feet with it. That's another reason why you would want to work with you guys, right? You see that much.




You oh absolutely like you talk about churn people talk about what if he gets hit with a bus. No. No what if he hits the lottery right? or what if but if he gets to offer a better job for better pay. We're going to be there right? that it's an outsource nobody teach they don't teach this stuff at Harvard. Right? It's a constant thing that's always changing. You have new devices new plans new features inside baseball knowledge that the carrier reps are not bringing to their attention right? at the end of the day. It's like asking a Fox to watch a handhouse so we keep the carriers honest, right? But at the same time provide that massive value of accountability control. Around these living and breathing devices. So.




And Jason to chaz I don't know who wants to take this one but is there a downside to a cyber security posture when you look at I t churn and turnover is how is how's that impacted.



Jason Stein

Cash you want? yeah go and go fort.




And Jason I can certainly take it happy to happy to divert to you all right? So um, keeping well- certified well- trainined and experienced cyber security staff employed on an in-house opportunity is very difficult right. It is not an exciting environment There's not a lot of exposure to new technologies or new environments. So you're going to see turnover in that field and that's where outsourcing is is really a benefit our security team. Has you know thousands of customers that we're looking at across our entire base so they're never going to be bored. There's always going to be an opportunity for knowledge enhancement. So it is difficult to keep cybersecurity especially in the midmarket and below to keep those staff. Ah. In-house just because of the the lack of opportunity.



Jason Stein

So I would echo that there are three point five million jobs so if you're working for a company and you're not happy. You don't feel like they have the budget. You don't feel like they're making the investment that they need to to help protect the organization whose reputation's on the line. It's theirs if if your company does not rep. Represent. You? Well, you're going to leave and it's the same thing ah in the cyber security space. Those itp resources have more opportunity than ever. And last thing you want is to be the minor league system where you get all these guys and you train them up and you pay for all their certifications just so that they can go leave and go to a better company. So we're seeing more and more outsourcing right now because it is really hard. It is complicated and why not have experts. Come in that can do it versus worrying about the churn or people wanting a day off here and there ah you know we we had ah a company come to us and and I said you know if if the I t if the Ceo came to you with a blank check. What would you buy and he said I'd get a sock in a sim and I said well what's preventing you from doing that he said.







Jason Stein

I only have five resources I can't staff at 24 by 7 I don't even know what technology is the best to go even go get right now and if a threat came through my guys wouldn't even know what to do? Let's face it Chris what's the average threat gets that gets through all your security measures. It's a zero day. It's something that no one's ever seen. Would you rather have rookies novices doing that or would you rather have experts doing that.




Gone absolutely well and that's why I love about this whole conversation. You know, bringing in you know, effectively what you consider 2 different swim lanes and and maybe they still are 2 different swim lanes but they can they can work together just like we both these conversations can work into a ucas. Ah. Ah, conversation can work in the cloud conversation and I think that's the challenge to partners today. Is you know there a time you could really make a good living just working on 1 part of the tech stack. You know, just being ah a land guy I just work on this side of the router versus you know? Okay I actually go out and build wans and large npls networks. I'm just a ah a tellcom guy I'm just a voice guy or gal now you kind of need to have access to all of them because they all overlap and touch right? So yeah.



Jason Stein

We more than ever report. We're seeing them all overlap and you're going to see securities be going to be a conversation in cx you're going to seecurities is going to be a necessary cut part of the conversation with Iot and mobility with ot security is part of every. Touch point within the I t environment now.




Yeah, just ah, just this week I'll sit in a presentation for a ccas provider and one of their use cases was a large you know international food distributor and they said that the the partner asked the the customer hey what's one of your biggest problems. Your call center. What's the most common call you're getting and the call was where's my truck. Where's my delivery truck I mean if you're in the food services business whether it be a restaurant or cafeteria or or hotel you got people to feed and you know they don't stock a week's worth of food. It almost comes in you know daily right? So where's my truck and um. And course I had I couldn't help myself I was like well how does a call center know where the truck is of course I knew the answer but it's like well yeah, they ah, they also have fleet tracking and asset tracking on not only the trucks but the trailers you know because it's not too uncommon. They'll just drop off a trailer so it can be unloaded over a course of a day or 2 and the truck goes in. Pick up another trailer and delivers more food elsewhere. So again, another example, how if you're having cca conversations. Ah, there's a you know, ask that you know understand what else that company does instead of just worrying about you know this this food distributor's call center this partner also said hey wow let's talk about all your delivery trucks and by the way. All this needs to be secured. You know so that's the question I did go into is I hope they went and had that cyber securityity conversation as well. So a lot of opportunity a lot of information shared here I don't know if we wouldn't do a quick. Ah last word session. Ah Jason John and then chaz I mean.




Any last words or last thoughts anything you want to get out. We didn't hit on.



Jason Stein

I think we hit on a ah lot of different technologies the one that we touched on in the beginning that we're not really talking about throughout is that security awareness training aspect getting employees trained. To not do things because 82% of all breaches are still happening by humans a breach happens every 12 seconds in the United States so how do we get more security awareness training better resources. So employees know not to do things that'll. Potentially jeopardize their organization.




John last words funny joke.




We all So I forgot to wear I'm on mute shirt. Yeah no, you know at the end of the day think about it. We all have mobile devices Iot machine and machine. Everything's out there now. It's it's a mobile first world. Um, and it's very difficult to manage. Um.




There We yeah.




So you know any any opportunities at their partners If you're not talking about as somebody else is but this this is a huge opportunity really to to get in there. Talk about it land and expand and and provide ah ah, a well oil solution for your clients.




I'll even take your saying that we started off with it at the end of the day and let's be honest, it's just as important at the beginning of the day I know it's ah, a convenient little cliche but I'm challenging partners don't wait to the end of the day start there. It's a great foot in the door. Ah for these mid and enterprise customers. Ah you know. Ah, yeah I think you know it's ah more common that technologists and digital strategists goes into these large accounts looking for the big fiber deals looking for the big you know sd win or our ucas or ccasts I don't know how many are really going in there leading with hey let me help you with the mobility problem and your expenses and and outsource some of that and. How are you securing all this What's your posture like how confident are you Jason write off a bunch of great questions so to Chazz. So um, ah, good stuff there chazz. Ah last words from you.




Ah, you know John said it if you're not talking about managed security or mobile device management manage mobility somebody else is so echoing what I said earlier don't be afraid have that confidence to go in there and just start the cybersecurity. Conversation with a few questions cyber insurance. What does that look like when's the renewal period was there an event recently Jason and Josh and the sales engineering team have a ton of those questions lined up as do every supplier in the tilarras portfolio so work with them. Build up that that confidence and really, it's just asking 1 or 2 of a set list of questions that we can prepare for you so that you can get your foot in the door and bring in what is potentially a significant sized um mrr compared to other solutions.




I yeah I'd like to end with this, you know and I tell myself team this all the time and it's something that stuck with me when I was young paying playing baseball. My coach told me son you know home runs are great, but it's base hits the win. The game. So. Keep it up Matt keeping those bases. Those home runs are you know will come those big deals but to get those big deals. Sometimes you guys lay down the bond to be strategic. Yeah.




Absolutely I love I love I love all spot. Sport analogies. But ah again after having a lot of great conversations this past week and after this great conversation. We've just had I think I could boil it down to just this simple little saying when you don't know you set up a status quo. And that's what we don't want we know status quo is costing businesses money. They're losing money. Um, they're not protected and there's so many the word of possible just keeps getting bigger in all these categories. So gentlemen. Thanks so much for your time today I really enjoyed it. Um. I'm sure we'll have more of these to come. But thanks a lot and thanks for listening to this episode the wireless way. We'll catch you next time.