The Wireless Way, with Chris Whitaker

Kay Miller, Author, Speaker and Coach. How to create an unfair advantage over your competition.

Season 4 Episode 62

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Kay Miller is an expert on Uncopyable Sales. She was the first woman ever hired for outside sales by Amerock, a division of Anchor Hocking. She was later hired by Walker Exhaust, the largest automotive muffler manufacturer in the world, where she was named Salesperson of the Year. It earned her the enviable nickname, “Muffler Mama.”

Kay has been a career salesperson, and now speaks and consults. She's the author of the new book, Uncopyable Sales Secrets – How to Create an Unfair Advantage and Outsell Your Competition. It's packed with stories, along with powerful strategies and actions you can start using immediately to make more sales.

Uncopyable Sales Secrets teaches a foolproof system for creating an Uncopyable Attachment with your prospects and clients so that you can fill your sales pipeline, close more deals, and build a loyal customer base.

She also helps you identify your Moose.
Her advice at the very end will have you thinking!

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