The Wireless Way, with Chris Whitaker

The Intersection of Faith and Wellness: a conversation with Dr. Sal.

Chris Whitaker Season 5 Episode 91

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Dr. Sal Cavaliere has been a practicing otolaryngologist and plastic surgeon for 30 years.

Over his three decades of practice, he’s grown deeply concerned over the growing dependence on medication, quick fixes, and poor nutrition that is rampant in our society.

A dedicated man of the church, he believes that God’s will for our lives is to live in great health. Through this interview and his TV show, he hopes to help you align your mindset with what God wants for you so that you can improve your life and transform your health.​

In 2009 he performed more facelifts than any surgeon in America and went on to more full body cosmetic surgery. He has been bodybuilding since age 15 and states this is where he learned most about diet and nutrition and their benefits to health which was never taught in medical schools. After 30 years of watching how people die, his calling is now restoring health to the way God intended.

In this episode of 'The Wireless Way,' host Chris Whitaker sits down with Dr. Sal, a dedicated physician with over three decades of experience. Dr. Sal shares his concerns about society's dependency on quick medical fixes and poor nutrition. He emphasizes the importance of aligning one's mindset with God's intentions for health. The conversation delves into Dr. Sal's journey from fourth grade ambitions to becoming a leading cosmetic surgeon, where he observed the impact of nutrition and lifestyle on health. They discuss the health risks posed by modern food additives, the importance of home-cooked meals, and the need to understand how environmental factors and emotions affect our DNA. With actionable advice for improving diet and lifestyle, this episode aims to inspire listeners to take control of their health.


00:00 Introduction and Host's Passion for Technology

00:18 Introducing Dr. Sal: A Journey of Health and Faith

02:23 Dr. Sal's Early Inspirations and Career Path

05:41 The Importance of Home-Cooked Meals and Traditional Diets

08:14 The Impact of Modern Food and Chemicals on Health

16:55 Understanding Epigenetics and Environmental Influences

18:35 The Role of Immune System and Chronic Inflammation

29:07 Heavy Metals and Modern Health Challenges

30:44 Host's Reflection and Personal Connection

31:14 The Trigger and Evolution of Focus

31:41 Early Medical Experiences and Realizations

33:50 The Impact of Lifestyle on Health

38:15 The Healthcare System's Flaws

41:35 Practical Advice for Better Health

44:18 The Role of Diet and Detox

51:41 Final Thoughts and Inspirational Messages

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Hey, welcome to another episode of the wireless way. I'm your host, Chris Whitaker. And if you've been listening for a while, I love technology. I love how technology impacts our life, but also love life. I love the double meaning of the wireless way, meaning no strings attached, no judgment, and the ways that path, the journey, and the venture. And today I have a guest, Dr. Sal's with me, and we're going to talk about more about that life and that adventure and the journey. And if you don't know who Dr. Sal is, let me just tell you a little bit about him. And then, my next, my first question to my guest will be in a moment, but a little bit about him before we bring him on here. Over his three decades of practice, he's grown deeply concerned over the growing dependence on medication, quick fixes, and poor nutrition that is rampant in our society. And I'm sure you're nodding your head as I say that. A dedicated man of the church, he believes that God's will for our lives is to live in great health. Through this interview and his TV show, he hopes to help you align your mindset with what God wants for you so that you can improve your life and transform your health. In 2009, he performed more facelifts than any surgeon in America. That has to be a lot. he went on to be more full body, cosmetic surgery. He's been bodybuilding since the age of 15 and states, this is where he learned most about diet and nutrition. Makes sense. And there are benefits to health which is never taught in medical school, which is that but I hope we talk about that Doctor that's interesting. And after 30 years of watching how people die, man that's deep His calling is now restoring health to the way God intended and man again as a person of faith All that really resonated with me, which is why I reached out to dr Sal and again, dr. Sal thanks for being on the show. I'm grateful you made time for us. How are you doing today?

Dr Sal:

I'm doing well. And Chris, thank you very much for having me on your show, because I'm very honored to be here with you.


Oh man, I'm equally


honored. And I know those listening are going to leave this episode with a new outlook on their health and their diet. And the things that are important to ensure that long quality of life. It's always the case, doctor. I love to, I love people's professional bios and again, you have a really nice one because it's very intimate and it's very it's who you are. It's deep, it's not the typical buzzwords we see. So thank you for that. But I love to know, what's not in the bio. How did you get here?

Dr Sal:

Was fascinating because I decided actually I didn't decide it was really a calling for me to become a physician. And that started back in fourth grade in Mrs. Hardwing's class. And what she did was she at the time she was married to a gentleman that was going to Wayne state university medical school in Detroit, and she wanted to learn more about what he was doing and what he was studying. And so she did a little something that was a little extra curricular. And that was, we had to study the bones. Of the body and somewhat of a simple thing that at the time for fourth graders and I took such a deep seated interest while she was going to give us a test on it, but then she asked the class who wanted to take the test and I was the only one that rose his hand because it wasn't part of the curriculum. And so she really couldn't give the test unless we wanted to take it ourselves. I was the only one that raises his hand. And that was the one thing that really interested me. And. I started talking to her and she told me the reason why. I wrote to her husband in medical school and he wrote back and he wrote such an elegant letter that at that time I thought, wow, look at this. Doctors are very intelligent. They know a lot about the body. I was one of those kids with attention deficit disorder. So I liked playing and I love playing sports. And of course my uncles were in the military and they got me into, playing sports and mostly. Watching the old Steve Reeves movies back in the fifties and, being the next Hercules. And then they started teaching me how to work out. My uncle Larry who fought in Vietnam, you should have seen his body. Literally he looked like John Jay Rambo. And I aspired to that. I aspired to that. And my father and mother, who were immigrants from Italy, my father started a construction company, but was the typical businessman that back in those days in the late 60s and 70s, you took people out to luncheons. Those luncheons went from 12, 1 o'clock in the afternoon to about 11 o'clock at night. And of course it was basically gluttony. It was eating and drinking, getting drunk at four o'clock. But my father had a network of friends all over the world. It was amazing what he did do, but it consumed his life at the age of 76. And my father and I, we were completely different. At four o'clock you go to a restaurant and join the boys and have a drink and talk business. And me at four o'clock I'm off to the gym and I'm watching what I'm eating. And of course that kind of came from my mother's side. Cause my mother always cooked at home and everything was always done at home. And my grandfather, who was a butcher back in the old country, Worked in an Italian restaurant, but would never eat at the Italian restaurant. Never.



Dr Sal:

He said everything had to be done and made at home. He had to order his olive oil from his town in Sicily. My mother's side is Sicilian. My father's from Lazio and he had to order the olive oil from Sicily, which I later found out that a lot of these restaurants will cut their olive oil with vegetable oil, which is corn oil. Or they buy this oil that has four different oils, canola, soybean corn oil and olive oil, which three of those oils turn into trans fats into your, in your body. So it's not healthy for you. So learning to cook at home is very important. And that's, we've lost that in our American lifestyle. Now, I don't know how old you are, but I was born in 1963. We all had to be home at a certain time to eat dinner. So whether you were playing outside, hey, you got to be home for dinner at such and such a time. And everybody ate as a family. So we've lost that, that, that wholesomeness in our society. But then eating at home and a home cooked meal, we are now going into our third generation of families. We're eating out is just common practice. You don't make breakfast at home. You go get your coffee at Starbucks and then you stop at McDonald's or one of the other fast food restaurants and you grab a breakfast sandwich, you don't bring your lunch to work anymore. You go on and you grab a pizza or a submarine sandwich or hamburger. And so we're getting to the point where we've lost these ways and these traditions. Of home cooked meals. Now you gotta take into consideration that there's a governing body in DC that basically says that this stuff is, this is what you have to, this is how the food has to be processed. This is how the stuff has to be grown. These are the chemicals you have to use because it's all for our protection. We don't need that protection. Okay? And what I try to do is I try to tell everybody I'm trying to be like Jesus Christ. I'm here to send a message. Okay. Number one, God doesn't understand disease. He doesn't understand disease. He only understands health. All the dark forces understand diseases, and it's all based on the concept that we really never left the Garden of Eden. Now, I argue with my Christian friends all the time. I said, listen, every salvation is a moment to moment choice that you make, okay? Every moment you have the choice to either eat something that's healthy that God wants you to eat or something that God doesn't want you to eat. Now, let me put it to you this way. Fruits, vegetables, fish, beef, pork, birds. Hey, it's even in the Bible. Hey, I gave this all for you to eat. Now, God did not make Doritos, Tostitos, Cheetos, Fritos. He didn't make, all this soda pops and all these energy drinks, all the stuff that everybody's consuming and all because it tastes good. I just did a little research the other day that in, two chicken sandwiches, one by Popeye's and one by Chick fil A. Popeye's has 43 synthetic man made chemicals in that sandwich and the Chick fil A has 50 synthetic man made chemicals. Why? If your mother was making the bread at home and she used the flour and the eggs and so forth and we can get into that a little bit deeper too as well. Then, what chemicals is she putting in it? to preserve it, increase the flavor, increase the taste. The food industry is now studying how the taste buds. I remember how many urinals and throat specialists, but I was studying the diseases. These people are studying how you could stimulate certain taste buds. So you prefer this food over another one. So then again, let's go back to the garden, eat this, but don't eat this. And what are we doing? We keep going towards this. Okay. People could tell me I gave up my drug addictions, but now you got a worse addiction than the drugs that you were doing. Food is worse for your health than let's say heroin. And you say, how could that be possible? There's people that have used heroin. Okay. It's safer than alcohol and tobacco. We know that those two drugs cause cancer and a whole onslaught of other diseases. If you use heroin for 30 years and used it appropriately, it doesn't damage your liver, doesn't damage your lungs, doesn't damage your kidneys, doesn't damage your brain. Remember the old commercial, this is your brain on drugs and it's a egg fry. That doesn't happen. You can get addictions to it. Yes. But guess what? We're all getting addicted to food and that's why the obesity, Chris, we were supposed to hit 42 percent obesity in 2030. 42 percent of our population was supposed to be obese by 2030. That's the rate of weight that we're putting on over the last 30, 40 years. We reached that number last year in 2023. So we're getting more and more heavier, or I should say more and more heavy a lot sooner than What even the scientists are predicting. We are addicted to foods. There's chemicals in the foods that actually stimulate appetite. We have psychological issues that we're contending with. And that's a big one right there. That's one of the things I used to ask my patients. Like, how did you come to 312 pounds at five foot two? With women, believe it or not, they were raped by their fathers. That's a big one. But if you take a look at the numbers and some of my friends who are psychiatrists, they'll tell you, Hey, Sal, we got the same problem. Boys getting raped by their mothers. This is a sick mental condition that we have. And there was a great movie that came out called the sounds of freedom with Jim Caviezel who played Jesus Christ in the passion and number one movie of the year. This, I believe was two years ago and number one money making movie of the year didn't even, wasn't even up for an Academy award. So you start to see, and I talked about this in one of my podcasts, which we're now doing our television show. And that is, I talked about where somebody could have gone up to you and say, Oh, Chris, you're going to be that fat chubby kid all your life. I was made fun of when I was a kid because I, when I used to play hockey, people used to take a toothpick and then they would put like a styrofoam cup over and say, this is your hockey pants and this is your leg right here because I was skinny. The 97 pound weakling was me. I was 97 pounds and 14 years old when I started high school. And of course, I did buy the Charles Atlas course. A year later, I joined the original powerhouse gym in Detroit, Michigan. That's it. And it was this black gentleman that introduced me to saying that Sal, 85 percent of bodybuilding is what you eat. Later on when I studied nutrition on my own, because when we studied biology and biochemistry, I'm like, okay, where's the vitamin B work over here? Where's the vitamin C work where, how does magnesium work here? And they were just little snippets. In this whole study of this stuff. And so that's why as a bodybuilder, I'm like, okay, but I want to know if I'm taking the beef liver tablets and I'm taking this protein and I'm taking these vitamins and vitamin D and vitamin E, how's it working in my body? That's where I did the extracurricular work myself. But then as later on. I did work with Peter Hut. It was the head of the FDA for a number of years. He's long been retired and then worked for the Covenant law firm in Washington. And he's one of Washington's top 40 attorneys. I don't know if he's still alive. I haven't been in contact with him for a number of years, but, I started realizing, okay now we have all these chemicals in these foods. How is that affecting our biochemistry? How is that affecting the cellular functions? We're made up of about 70 to 100 trillion cells and each cell, there is between a hundred thousand to a billion reactions in one snap of a finger that fast. Just think of 100, 000, let alone a billion reactions, depending on what cells working, if you just got done eating the cells in your stomach are working that much harder now because they got to work because they got to digest the food and so forth. And then you multiply that by, let's say, 100 trillion. Now you see God in action. And as Albert Einstein, who was trying to prove God's existence through quantum theory and in quantum physics. Thanks. He was not able to do that 80 years ago. And a lot of his colleagues say do you still believe in God? He said, of course I do. He said, but how you can't prove his existence using quantum mechanics and quantum physics. He said, there's no way that all of this stuff came by chance. It's too organized. We were born perfect. If you want to see somebody who was born with a genetic defect, let me take you to children's hospital, Michigan in Detroit. And I'm sure if you went to children's hospital, Pennsylvania and children's hospital, Florida. We had over 660 beds and half of those beds were filled with children who had genetic defects that were not going to get past the age of 20. So when people say, Oh, my doctor says it's hereditary. My doctor says it's genetics. My doctor said it's hormones. No, it's not. You created the problem because your DNA is just a blueprint and get a load of this, my friend, your DNA is exactly the same as mine. And you say, but wait a minute. We look different. Yep. We do look different. Okay. Your DNA. It's like a car. Think of it as a car. Okay. Now. You got a frame in the crown Victoria frame of the Ford was the same frame and set up and structure is that of the Lincoln the luxury cars and they had a lot of the same components, same engine, same everything. Now with the Lincoln, you had some added things, so it's quieter. It's a little smoother riding, they modified the shocks, but it's pretty much the same thing. Now, how you make it different is what you add to it. Okay. We have this thing that's in the last 40 years, but mostly in the last 20 years, a lot of researchers have studied this epigenetics and epigenetics are these so called molecules or histones with these tails that the DNA wraps around that controls. that controls how our DNA is expressed or what proteins are manufactured. In other words, I'm turning the lights on this part of the factory to manufacture this part and these parts will be used for everything else. So I don't know what color your eyes are, but I've got green eyes and my grandfather had that. So it skipped a generation. I'm the only one in my family with green eyes, but guess what? I got DNA that makes blue eyes and DNA that makes brown eyes. He said, then how come you don't have those eyes? Because those were shut off. They were not turned on. Only my green eye DNA. was expressed.




that by chance? What? No.

Dr Sal:

Good. Good question. It's not by chance. It's the epigenetics and the epigenetics can be controlled by environmental factors, including your emotions. They've done studies on monkeys where they took monkeys and even siblings and they took the monkey away and put it in a harsh environment. And then they did biopsies to take a look at the DNA, but they looked at the epigenetics and said, look, the epigenetics were completely, modified with various proteins or amino acids, such as, there was acetylation, there was methylation, phosphorylation, ubiquination. And these are carbon and hydrogen molecules that when they bind to a certain area, it affects it differently. Okay. Like that lower back pain that you have is going to be a little bit different than that pebble that you have in your shoe right now, see that lower back can be bothering you, but as long as you're sitting down, that pebble in your shoes, not bothering you. And so when you start to add these little modifications, it starts to affect the way you behave, the way you move. Okay. Now, if you start walking and people are going to say, Hey, Chris, why do you have that limp? There's a pebble in my shoe. And so the epigenetics we're now starting to realize. That what we're exposed to emotionally environmentally and environmentally also includes what we put in our mouth. can start to affect how our DNA functions. So it becomes very important to realize that we are constantly interacting with our environment. There's bacteria out there. There's viruses out there. We have an immune system. What a magnificent piece of machinery God created this immune system, Know, and the best thing to do is, I tell people, I don't have a strong immune system. I have a balanced immune system. Now, when you get overweight, okay, significantly overweight, 30 pounds plus your fat cells start to enlarge, they start to carry more immune cells called macrophages, eosinophils, and so forth. Now, you start to have all these immune cells, And he start to activate the innate portion of the immune system. Okay. And so we're going into this chronic state of inflammation or para inflammation. In other words, you got the brakes on while you've got your foot on the accelerator and you start to burn out your brakes. Now when you're going really fast and you're going 110 miles per hour and you got to slam on the brakes are so worn out that you can't get the car to stop. So what happens is it's. If you take a look at the individuals who, who died from COVID, especially those that were in their fifties. The majority of those people were overweight. They were obese because they were already in a chronic state of inflammation. The COVID tripped them up into what we call cytokine storm. That's where your immune system goes out of control and starts to destroy your body. Almost like an autoimmune disorder. And that's another thing. We're seeing more autoimmune disorders now that we had before. We're getting exposed to heavy metals, more toxins, more chemicals in our foods from pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides. to preservatives to colors. Now the state of California is eliminating some of these colors because they're neurotoxic. These artificial sweeteners contribute to neurotoxicity, which now leads to dementia and Alzheimer's. The chlorinated water, the excessive antibiotics that we're using, not only in, in animals, but in everything else. And I remember when I used to communicate this with Peter hud, he used to say, I said, Peter, but how come Europeans don't do this? They're not allowed to have GMOs. They're not allowed to have. All these chemicals. We have well over 100, 000 chemicals. We use in our detergents or soaps and all that. And this is affecting our bodies. We say it's only a little bit, and this is only going to affect you a little bit. And glyphosates are going to only affect you a little bit, and this is going to affect you a little bit, and this is going to affect you a little bit, and I think. One of my cousins asked me, he says I said, yeah, but a little bit here, a little bit there, a little bit of this, a little bit of that comes the cumulative, there, there's that old adage. I think it was Ben Franklin that says, if you save a penny you've earned a penny. But if you start putting pennies away over the years, starting when you're young, by the time you're 60, you're going to be a millionaire in that you and I can go out tonight, smoke a pack of cigarettes. And we're going to wake up the next morning. We're going to be we may be coughing and feel like, crap because we smoked a considerable amount of nicotine, but we're still going to be alive, but what's going to happen to you 30 years from now, if you smoke the pack of cigarettes a day now got to remember one thing. The cigarettes that the World War Two generation smoke completely different than now. There's more chemicals now that tobacco is GMO.



Dr Sal:

So a lot of your GMO foods, you'll notice that when you and I went to elementary school, 85 percent of the kids had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They don't even allow peanut butter in the schools anymore because people are allergic to it. And they're saying because they're getting exposed. No. They don't allow these universities as institutions to do a lot of the research. But what I'm trying to tell people, okay, like Jesus did, everybody thinks Jesus was a nice guy. He was really challenging the establishment, but he was doing it in a nice way. But what he was trying to tell everybody is listen, You, me and every other America, they can come up with all these laws, regulations, guidelines, as we had talked about, in a previous conversation, you and I just personally, doctors 50, 60 years ago had autonomy. If I saw a medication that could help you with this disease, even though it's off label use. In other words, it wasn't FDA approved, but to use it for this disease. But now I'm using it to treat this other disease like aspirin. Aspirin was for pain, inflammation, fevers, and so forth. Doctors were using it for 40 years as a blood thinner. It wasn't approved as a blood thinner, but yet we advocated it. Now, of course, it's been approved by the FDA, but my point being is that if it wasn't FDA approved today, if something went wrong, you can get a lawsuit for that and saying you, you used it and you didn't stay within the guidelines. And it's interesting. I read a book by John Whitehead. He's a constitutional attorney in Washington. He said that there's so many rules, regulations. And federal laws that every American violates three federal regulations per day and they don't even know it. So what I'm saying is that a doctor can't say, Hey, listen, you know what, take this and that'll help you with this disorder. And it works. And you say, Oh my God, doc, it worked. Psoriasis is a big disorder. I have psoriasis. My grandfather had it. My father had it. And I get it. Now I'm Italian. I'm first generation American of Italian immigrants. So pasta was part of our daily routine. We always had a little plate of pasta, even in a soup. My mom always put some kind of pasta in it. And then we had our second plate, which was a protein, chicken, fish, or meat, a vegetable salad and fruit was our dessert we didn't have. And then we always had bread. Of course. Now, at the age of 14, I started developing psoriasis and I went to go see these doctors and they were putting me on all these topical medications. Guess what? If you have psoriasis, stop eating wheat products. Anything with wheat, bread, pasta cupcakes, pizza, anything with wheat, stay off it for six weeks and watch what happens to your psoriasis. So what's happened here is the messages that I've come to learn, okay, studying nutrition on my own, because they don't teach you this in medical school. Now they've got a nutrition class, okay, these are your carbs, these are your proteins, these are your fats. Okay. That's about it. But they don't get into the nitty gritty as to how it can cause all these problems like wheat. Number one, like you get these people that'll get a an allergy panel and they're allergic to everything under the sun. I'm like, okay, then you can't eat eggs. You can't have this. You can't drink milk. You can't do this. You can't eat this. What can you eat? Kim, to find out that gluten and gliadins. actually stimulates your immune system. So it puts you at that low inflammatory state of having an allergic reaction. On top of that, we're starting to find out that it actually causes cardiac dysrhythmias. So Dr. Cordain in his book called the Paleo Diet, who's done a significant amount of research, has shown that if you alleviate wheat, which is not what we ate as Paleolithic people, we were just eating wheat. Meats, fish, birds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, just natural things. That's why I call it God's diet. Cause that's what God talks about in the Bible, in the old Testament. Now, if you go to Italy and you have pasta and bread, you say how come I don't have these reactions over here? I was in Sicily five years ago. My mother just came back. She just visited her old town a couple of weeks ago. But if you drive through Sicily, it's all wheat farms. Those wheat farms have been there since the time of the Roman empire. Sicily actually grew the wheat for the Roman empire, but the wheat, the seeds of the wheat are still the same. Europeans will not buy anything that's genetically modified. It's illegal to do that. And so now we're showing that the Europeans are outliving us by four and a half years. Now they got all these diseases because now they have more food. It wasn't like the time when my grandparents, great grandparents went through two world wars and went through they went through the Spanish flu, they survived it. My grandparents were, everybody lived from 85 to 99 years old. So they were in that blue zone, which is now I'm working with this company, this marketing company to try to get people to try to go back to that. But really it's going back to the way we ate as Americans. What really made those changes, though, Chris, started off back during the Industrial Revolution, when we were building big cities, more populated areas, we were getting away from the farms. Now, if you ever go to Michigan, go to Dearborn, Michigan. It's just, one of the suburbs of Detroit and go to the Henry Ford Museum and go to the Greenfield Village. Henry Ford started seeing how the car industry was changing the world, and he didn't want people to forget the world that he came from. There's literally a farmer there, on a farm, pulling a plow with a horse. These homes, you walk into these homes, everything was small, people were not as big as we are today. There's no bathrooms. There's no electrical wires or there's no switches on the walls because this is all before, the electric light bulb before the cars. Wow.



Dr Sal:

You start to see how Americans were living. They didn't have fertilizer. The only fertilizer was horse and cow manure. That's what they use as fertilizer. Now we have all these chemicals. We have actually stimulants to stimulate your plants to grow bigger and faster, right? Miracle grow. More chemicals that you're putting even in your flowers in your garden, but guess what? You're getting exposed to all of that. The wheat killers. Now there's commercials. Oh, now if you have this cancer, that agent orange that was used during the Vietnam war actually came from second world war. So you start to see that we're being inundated with all these chemicals, not to mention the heavy metals. In fact, I'm putting a lecture on heavy metals. I talked about it in one of my podcasts, but now I'm organizing one hour talk. And how we can contend with these heavy metals. They're showing that there's lead up in the Himalayas. They're taking snow samples and showing there's actually lead. Of course, it got into the air over a number of years. They're starting to show that even these herbal medicines from India. Have heavy metals in them that are coming from the ground, getting washed up. And of course it starts to concentrate and it, it becomes cumulative. Now, are there therapies for heavy metals? Sure. There are, and you don't really even have to go see a doctor for it. But then if you draw the blood says my blood levels doesn't show that I'm toxic with heavy metals, but it's bound in your tissue. You got to do tissue biopsy. Same thing with magnesium. 67 percent of us in America are magnesium deficient. Okay. And the only way you're going to determine that is if you do a biopsy, you got to do a tissue biopsy. You do want to find out how much mercury or aluminum you have. You got to do a brain biopsy. Now, who's going to go into the brain and take tissue out of it. But they've shown even in the 1970s that people who did have Alzheimer's had higher levels of aluminum in their brain, as well as mercury than people that, that didn't have it. And wow, We're not doing autopsies like we used to, and now we know what you're going to die of the day before you die because we have all the blood work we have. MRIs and all these other studies and we already know why multiple systems failure.


So Dr. Sal, all that information you just gave me was, first of all, I'm like, I'm scared to go eat anything right now. I'm going to have to really read the, my wife, God bless her, 32 years of marriage. She's a label reader. She's going to be clapping as she listens to this episode because she's in a lot of agreement especially about the oils, too many bad oils and things, but to my question, I wouldn't, I'd love to hear more about 30 years basically as a plastic surgeon, ENT. Why what was the catalyst? What was the trigger? Oh, was there a trigger? Have you, sounds like being a body builder for so long too. I know it's been a part of your routine, but it sounds like the focus has changed now, how you engage and help patients. You're not necessarily altering the body or doing anything ENT. You're, what, tell me more about the change in focus and was there a time That you was an evolution or revolution that you made this pivot from more plastic surgery to the diet and the body.

Dr Sal:

Plastic surgery came in later on when, especially when we had the financial crash and admission, we also had the automotive industry that collapsed and that's. When I started getting a little bit more into the cosmetics, but still, I'd still practice D and T, even when I was at the Detroit medical center. One of the experiences that I had when I first went out as a physician, I was an intern at Mount Clemens general, which is now Mount Clemens of it's McLaren and McComb is he got bought out by a corporation, but as an intern, I joked around one time and I told people, yeah, I'm walking down the hallways every day with my arm around the grim reaper, because I was watching people die every day. And I would go up and say, Hey, Grim, what's it going to be today? Is there going to be a heart attack, cancer, trauma? What's it going to be? Detroit's one of the top five trauma cities in the country, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit Dallas, Texas, and Los Angeles. And okay. I joked around, about it. And then the following year I was doing general surgery, same thing, working to, trauma center. You're getting traumas, but we used to joke around about pulling these women off the, from the surgical table onto the gurney. And we were doing their gallbladder surgery back then. And that was the year we transitioned from the open gallbladder to the laparoscopic gallbladder procedure, which is known as a colon cystectomy. And we used to joke around and say, okay, how many IHUs? I H U's meaning Iowa hog unit in an Iowa hog unit was 50 pounds. It's a, Oh, four. I H U's. Oh, how about you, Tammy? What do you think? Oh four and a quarter, right? Yeah. 225 pounds. And at first it was okay. Oh, yo she's 220 pounds out. Tammy, you're the closest you went. Then after a while, it dawned on me. I said, this isn't funny. How come I'm money's being taken out of my. My paycheck every week, although you got paid every two weeks, but every week, and it's going into paying it to a, a health insurance company, but these people are abusing it. You got these gallstones because you're all overweight because you're eating junk food and it's creating these gallbladder stones, but then it's also creating all these other diseases. That's why if you take a look at the national GDP, 20 percent of it is healthcare costs. That's paying out all this money all the, insura for diseases that we're a We're 5 percent of the world's population taking 85 percent of the world's pharmaceutical drugs. I'm not talking street drugs here, Chris. I'm talking your antidepressants, your sleeping medications your methamphetamines for these kids for attention deficit disorder, medications for dementia. Now we got all these, the big stuff now is all this will send back, to lose weight. And years ago we had these appetite suppressants that they had to take off of out of the five appetite suppressants that we had in a market 30 years ago, there's only one of them left because they were they was causing all these health disorders. So taking all these medications, now we're starting to see that they're developing the class action lawsuit against the company that makes those impact because people are having these side effects and some of them are permanent. And I'm thinking to myself, they don't care because if they got to come up with 5 billion, not a problem. They could write the check easy. They've got that kind of money. But my point being is that why did you get that, big to begin with now having an issue that you were raped as a child, you start putting on the way you have talked to these women, they put on that weight. And it, those are the challenging people that I have to contend with because I got to make them realize their self worth. I got to make them realize you're a child of God or whatever happened. Again, you've got to carry that cross. You gotta go through that pain, but you gotta forgive and you gotta move on, but you gotta see yourself with more value. And the reason why people are having all these issues is because they have low self esteem, right? Oh, I'm never going to do this. I'm never going to have this. I'm never going to have that. man, there's people coming in from out of this country that come here and they're making something of themselves because the fact that they see the opportunities and somehow we've got this negative thought because of something somebody told us where there was a teacher, our best friend or ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend, our mother or father, our priest or preacher, pastor. People say stupid things, but some people take it to heart, put it deep within their soul, into their subconscious mind, and now all of a sudden they get this emotional eating. And then all these chemicals and all this excess calories start to alter our hormone balance. It starts to alter our neural transmitters and all of a sudden. It starts to affect us. And you take a look at the way people are built in America. It's, that's not normal now as a bodybuilder where you want to have symmetry to your body and as a plastic surgeon, see, they go hand in hand. How do I try to get, but the fact is there's when there's people coming in and getting their third liposuction, because they refuse to change the way they eat and they want that six pack by me doing the, no, we got to start changing this, we got to start changing this. Yeah. But can we have control? Can we control this? Yes. My doctor said that my type two diabetes is hereditary. It's genetic. I've seen. I've even heard doctors who are endocrinologists and tell me that. By the way, type 2 diabetes was unheard of in Europe during World War II. Because if you were like my grandparents in the stories, sometimes you went 2 3 days without food. And that's why these people live longer, because we scientifically have shown that low calorie restricted diets reverses a lot of these diseases. That's why people that get the bariatric surgery and they lose 120 pounds, all of a sudden their type two diabetes goes away. All of a sudden their joint ailments go away. And it wasn't because they lost 120 pounds. It's because they reduced their inflammation in their bodies. So you could see that. And then, getting back to how this all started after 30 years of watching people die, it's not like somebody just died now. It's the process of how they died. And over the years, we're keeping them alive longer in the hospital. So you're in the hospital for four to six months before you die, you're swimming in your own feces, right? We got you gorked out on 22 different medications. And then when you die, you're like, okay, what made a difference? If you died six months ago, because you had no quality of life, you were in a hospital, family started even stopped coming to see you except once a month. There's not enough nursing staff and everybody's on a computer. And so you're just sitting there in your own urine and you get bathed once every three, four days, you smell. They got to put you on anti medications because you go into psychotic. And so they, they gork you out. And so you're not even with it. And so you die after six months. There's a five, 600, 000 bill to your insurance company. You now are responsible for 100, 000 and guess what's the number one cause of bankruptcy in America? Healthcare costs. Wow. Because now your family's I can't pay the 120, 000. We can't afford it. So they file bankruptcy. Okay. But the hospital made their four or 500, 000. That's



Dr Sal:

And I'll tell you something. I worked with physicians in these longterm care centers and I'm like, why are we doing this? They got to stay here for at least 21 days or we won't get paid or reimbursed by the insurance company. Again, there is that interplay between insurance companies. Hey man, if we get them out of here, you should say thank you because it's saving us money, but it's this interplay. It's this interplay, with the people that are controlling everything. And I'm saying to myself, why do we as human beings, why do we supposedly the smartest species on the planet? More so than that, children of God that we've been given this gift of life are dwelling in this creation that is so magnificent, Chris, if I could sit with you just for a couple hours and show you the cell, through my biochemistry books, my physio, I knew you'd think, Oh my God, this is happening just at one site. Yes. So you can imagine the spiritual forces that are working that keep all this intact. And we have the gift of life. We're given this temple. And we're basically turning away from God. And I say it in a more harsh way, we basically tell God off and say I got my health insurance card. My doctor is going to take care of me. That's until you find yourself there. And this is where I've seen my patients literally sitting at the window in the hospital, and sometimes I'd walk out before they even knew I walked in because I knew the state of mind that they were in and what is it, is this where my life has taken me. Now you want to change everything and it's too late. The damage is so far done. You got a little rust spot on that car. Get it scraped off, put on whatever you have to do, put new paint on there and protect it from getting worse.


So yeah, you really paint the picture of how we got here and what's going on. So what advice do you have for us? What's the hope? I think I know the answer, but I'd love to hear how can someone turn it around? How can someone have a better mental health perspective and self esteem issue? And, can we turn this around? What do we do now considering all that you shared with us? What options do we have?

Dr Sal:

And that's a great question. And thank you for asking that, Chris. I now found now I've been using since December, I found a meat market here. It's purely a meat market, like in Europe. It's all they sell is meat and some eggs and some spices you can put on your meat. All grass fed. They age it themselves. They buy it from local farmers or local cattlemen. Okay. The meat is delicious. We could buy raw milk. Raw milk has the perfect balance of fats. Eggs that are, pasture grown chicken, not chickens that are fed with hormones and they're growing in factories. And you want something that's free range that the chicken is eating worms, not grains. See, we're eating cattle that's fed grains. They're feeding chickens with grains. And now these farm raised fish are getting fed grains. Why? Because grains beefs you up. And in the market, these farmers and producers have to make money And it's the same thing with GMO, if you can grow an acre with, let's say 10 stocks of corn, but each stock only has five years of corn on a stock. Now, if you could grow 10 years of corn per stock, you're getting more production per acre. And I talked to farmers. I talked to cattlemen. I talked to people and they're like, Hey, my farmer goes back to doing naturally. Then I'll go back to doing it naturally again, because it's all about money. And so we created the system, this closed system. But now it's not to say that you can't get grass fed beef. Even when I was in Michigan, I could order it. And of course you got to order from Montana and Idaho and some of these other areas where they, you could buy it in Michigan, you got to go to a farmer that's willing to do it and say, yep, I'll give you raw milk, but you got to give me 500 and then I charge you 10 a gallon. You buy into the cow. So therefore you're legally owner of the cow. You can do whatever you want. Same thing, there's farmers in Michigan, but if you can't, you can order on the internet. Where, you can get the grass fed meat, try to go to a store where they sell organic foods. Now, even the organics, there's question that, it could leak from another farm. The soil could have been contaminated years ago. That's fine. But what we're trying to do is reduce all of this. Now, if you want to get heavy metals removed from your bodies, you could do chelation therapy orally or, intravenously there's now all these IV centers. Some of them do chelation. You can order it. I'm trying to set something up with a company out of Utah. And so you could do it, take it orally. You could take it for a couple months twice a year, just to clean out and pull out some of the heavy metals, go on a detox program. I have a detox, special detox program that I use with a company and I have no invested interest in it. I just do it because. Hey, and I've taken my cancer patients and sometimes they'll go weeks on it. But the detox is like two days where all you got to do is drink this stuff with this powder in it. Perfect. It's completely clear and devoid of any chemicals. And you're going to feel like crap for two days because you're pulling out all these toxins. But by day three, you're feeling like a million dollars. You can continue it a little bit longer, do it periodically. Stay away from the wheat products. And it says beans. And if you're going to eat beans, sprout them yourself, you take the hard beans and put them in water. And then as soon as they start to sprout, cook them and that'll even get rid of all the lectins, which reduces inflammation. Of course, the fiber is great for you because it helps to build the gut bacteria, but it may also give you a lot of flatulence. And, you got to. You got to see how you enjoy eating it and what comes afterwards, but eat everything as organically as possible, eat more of the berries, eat more of the green leaf vegetables. I'm coming up with some videos on how to cook because I was a single father with two daughters. And I would not let my daughters go to school unless I gave them the food. Now, the other part was, Oh, here's the car. Just go order the food out of the schools. But I would never eat the hospital foods. I started bringing my own foods. Now I didn't do that during the residency because I never, literally I lived in the hospitals, but I try to advocate to people that listen, you could be working 18 hours a day. But once you get into the habit of preparing your own food, and that's what we bodybuilders have always done, is meal prep. Because we had to eat every so many hours, we had to have so much protein, we had to, consume so much water and so much, so forth. Implementing that lifestyle and those changes, you'll start to see how you could reverse a lot of the disorders that you have. Especially weight loss and the type 2 diabetes. If you stay away from all these candies, all these, all these drinks that have all this coloring in it, or you stay away from that stuff. Remember, God did not intend for us to eat that.


Wait, what can you tell me about it's interesting you mentioned color. So I have we, my wife and I, we have four children and we have three granddaughters now, and about three and a half, your granddaughter, we've noticed probably she was a year and a half. If you gave her a lollipop or some kind of candy with any kind of red food dye, it was night and day. It's like she turned into a Tasmanian devil. But when we limit and we say no food dye, we've even told her, Frankie, hey, red food dye is bad for your brain. She's okay what else? So now even at three and a half years old, she's understanding. And that food, I, so why is the deal with red food dye? Is that, it's just one of many, or is that, are you familiar with the impact of red food dye on the brain?

Dr Sal:

That's one of many, because a lot of the stuff, when the FDA approves it, okay, you have to understand there's also financial interests involved in it.


Yeah, always. And

Dr Sal:

they're saying, like I said, if you and I went out and smoked a pack of cigarettes tonight, Oh, see, they didn't die. They don't have any problems. It's a little bit of everything combined over time. So you got your food dyes here. You got your heavy metals here. You got your pesticides over here. You have your GMOs over here. You have all of this stuff in our air or water or food or soil, a little by the odd


stacked against us, doctor, odd stacked against us, or, there's also, yes.

Dr Sal:

There's hope. And I'm going to tell you why go back to 1850. I get these mothers and sometimes he's fathered. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We've got to have fun food once in a while. Okay. Once in a while, what does that mean? Once every 15 minutes, you talk to an obese person. Oh no, I eat healthy. I only had that once in a while. I'm like, what's once in a while. See, I learned this one when I was an intern, these people say, Oh, I eat like a bird. Okay. And I remember Dr. K's body weight.


What's that? The birds eat their body weight each day, don't they?

Dr Sal:

If you think about it, yeah, but we used to say, yeah, you eat like a bird 24 hours a day. Non stop. So what's once in a while? It once every 15 years? Or is it once every 15 minutes? And this is where people are not getting it. You're trying to fool me. It's my hormones. No, you disrupted your hormonal balance because excess of foods with all these chemicals now is throwing your whole system complete, completely off. You created the problem and we can get genetic defects as time goes on because we're exposed to radiation and other harmful chemicals and harmful radioactive. stuff that we can't see that can cause what are known as SNPs, S N P, single nucleotide polymorphism, which can change and alter the DNA. But that's, that is like a mechanical disruption that now later on causes other issues. Okay, but we can help repair that DNA just by the foods that we eat supplements that we can take. So we've got to start all now. If you keep telling your granddaughter, this is bad for your brain. This is bad for your brain. Then kids are going to go, when she's in school, they're going to say, Oh, my God, what's your granddaughter's name? Frankie, you don't know what you're talking about. You're crazy. You're crazy. But what you've instilled in her is you know what, I'm not going to eat this. Now, here's what I try to tell everybody. When you want your fun food the kids got to have some fun foods. Did kids have fun food back in 1850? Do you know that at the Henry Ford Museum that we were talking about earlier, they showed how they used to make these sugar canes. They took a stick and they took water with sugar in it and they dunked it in there and they allowed the water to evaporate. The sugar would crystallize around the little stick. And that was a little treat. That was back in 1850. But how many people had sugar back then? You were lucky if you had two pounds of sugar your entire year. We have about 146 pounds of sugar every year. Each American. So you could see that. Now, did we survive back then? Absolutely. Absolutely. And then people say they didn't live as long. Two things that really helped us extend our life. That was antibiotics and ventilators. That's about it. But for the most part, people were healthier. They dealt with things a lot better. It's not to say that you couldn't get a cancer back then, but we didn't have the diseases that we have today. You did not see type two diabetes in the 1850s. Yeah.


And that makes a lot of sense. Man, I've thoroughly enjoyed this. This has been you over delivered. I can't wait to learn and hear more from you. You mentioned a podcast and you mentioned a TV show. What are they called and how can we get them?

Dr Sal:

The podcast is called the health quest podcast with Dr. Sal. And the TV show is It's on the Mark TV, which is a digital television program. And you got to go to connect to your city. com connect to your city. com and then find on the Mark TV and they have it. I don't know the times that they have. But again, going on that and we're going to be expanding that and on the mark TV is actually creating their own production company. But for now, those are the two places where you can go to get information that we talked about. Of course, for the short period of time, I did cover a lot. And, but each topic that I talked about, I could literally talk for an hour or talk and give a lecture on it and be a lot more specific down to the physiology and the biochemistry. Some of that's more for scientific purposes and for physicians and researchers and PhDs. But it's what I'm trying to get out to people is what Jesus Christ was trying to say is that you don't have to live this way. There's a better way. And remember what Jesus said, I love you. I just hate your. And here's what I've learned in life. People are more afraid to change than they are to dying.



Dr Sal:

more afraid to change than they are dying. If you could change things, then why won't you do it? I'm an emotional leader, then you got to fix something up here. Even if it happened to you when you were a child, you have to pray, you have to meditate, you have to dwell deep inside yourself. You got to get into the spiritual aspect of who you really are.



Dr Sal:

And if you think about it and you become conscious every time you're always in the Garden of Eden, should I have this? Wait, think about it. Why am I grabbing this right now? Because right now I'm having an emotional breakdown. Why are you having an emotional breakdown? If you've got God in your life, you've got Christ in your life, then why are you having this? You don't need antidepressants. You don't need anxiolytics. You don't need attention deficit disorder, but you got to be eating healthy too as well. And you got to feed the children, and I'm not here to save people. I'm not one of those people. You need to be saved. No, I'm just trying to say what Jesus said. He says, Jesus, when Christ was asked the question, who's the greatest amongst us? He says, children, be as children. He says, but keep reading the, the chapter and he says he amongst you causes these children to sin, wrap the rope around your neck, tie a rock to it and cast it out into the sea. Jesus was not a nice guy. He was basically saying, you know what, go to hell, go kill yourself. If you're going to cause it, what are we doing? Oh, that's okay, Johnny. You can eat the, you're going to have these fries. You can have the chips, and sometimes mothers are just giving it to them because it satisfies them. But if we don't expose them to this and I just saw that movie. Twins with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. Watch that movie again. When Danny DeVito said, after they go see this doctor, he says, I'm genetic garbage. He said, look at you. You're all built. You're beautiful. I ended up with the bad genes and Arnold hugged him. He said, no, we are twins. We are brothers. He said, I see the world that you've been living in. It's dirty. It's nasty. It's dark. It's not safe. I grew up on a paradise island. I was loved. I had teachers. I had healthy foods. And right there, that scene tells it all. We are not genetic garbage. We are God's children, but we are destroying ourselves with all this garbage. Even psychologically, watching all this stuff on TV and all this, how it affects us, Hey, it's okay to be 200 pounds overweight. Then he came up with these books, you are perfect. I'm reading a book right now that says you are not perfect. Oh, don't sweat the small stuff. So now everybody's letting go of everything. I'm not going to sweat it. Don't worry. He just have a pizza. I'm not going to cook tonight.


Yeah. Yeah. Wow. God, doctor. Again, I've really enjoyed this. As we land the plane here, what, any last words, is there anything we didn't cover that you want to hit on? And of course, by the way, check the show notes, I'll have some links and information about Dr. Sal's work and then on the Mark TV. I'd love you if you're listening. I know you want to hear more. Last words and anything you want to leave us with,

Dr Sal:

There was a scene in the Disney movie, the lion King, when Simba was trying to go back home, but he was afraid and home is the kingdom of heaven. And he felt that he was not worthy. And his father comes to him and he says, Simba, remember who you are as my fellow Americans, as my brothers and sisters in God, don't forget that you are God's child, keep that in mind. And then you have the authority to change your ways, but you got to believe.


Wow. I'll

Dr Sal:

leave it with


that. Love it. Got to believe you, you could do it. Now that's a great message. Dr. Sal, I thank you for those words and all the other information you've given us. And I really appreciate this has been again, more. Then I expected, I knew it was going to be good, but I really appreciate it. And I appreciate your time today.

Dr Sal:

Thank you so much, Chris. And I look forward to hopefully being on your show again in the future. And I like to even get you on my show one day.


Oh man, I'm all for it. I'll be there. And I love to have that part two follow up in the coming months. Yeah, consider that a big yes on both. And there you go, folks. I, I'm so glad you hung with us this long. It's it's always good to have topics that motivate us, educate us, and inspire us. And I really think we, this episode today fit all those categories. And as always, if you like what you heard are there somewhat popped in your mind as you're listening to this? Please share with them. That's the goal. It's I just want to get this message. And all these episodes, I think have great messages for everyone. So share and subscribe, of course, and I appreciate you making time for today's episode and we'll catch you next time on the wireless way

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